A collection of task oriented solutions in Puppet


Manage system limits


You want to manage your systems limits configuration


# install the limits module
$ sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet module install saz-limits

Notice: Installing -- do not interrupt ...
  saz-limits (v3.0.3)
# without this all existing files in
# /etc/security/limits.d/ will be removed
class { 'limits':
  purge_limits_d_dir => false,
# add our simple limit
# * means apply to all users on the system
limits::limits { '*/core':
  both => 0,
cat /etc/security/limits.d/default_core.conf
# Managed by Puppet

#<domain>    <type> <item>          <value>
*             -     core            0


Linux systems provide a number of configuration options that grant control over properties such as "how many processes a user can run", "how much CPU time they can use", and "if it's possible for a user to create core dumps". Using the saz/limits module from the PuppetForge you can manage these settings via puppet. First install the module from the Puppet Forge:

# install the limits module
$ sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet module install saz-limits

Notice: Installing -- do not interrupt ...
  saz-limits (v3.0.3)

Once that's installed we can begin to manage our limits. Firstly a warning. By default the limits module will remove all existing configuration from /etc/security/limits.d/. To preserve them, and allow multiple modules to work together nicely, you should set the purge_limits_d_dir property to false.

# without this all existing files in
# /etc/security/limits.d/ will be removed
class { 'limits':
  purge_limits_d_dir => false,

There are a few approaches to managing limits in the puppet DSL. The simplest is the 'title pattern'. This embeds the user and limit type in the resources title:

# add our simple limit
# * means apply to all users on the system
limits::limits { '*/core':
  both => 0,

Once run this will create a configuration file under the limits.d directory.

cat /etc/security/limits.d/default_core.conf
# Managed by Puppet

#<domain>    <type> <item>          <value>
*             -     core            0

If you require more in depth control of the limit you can use the full set of properties, as shown in this example:

limits::limits{ 'build_nproc':
  ensure     => present,
  user       => 'build',
  limit_type => 'nproc',
  hard       => 512,
  soft       => 256,
cat /etc/security/limits.d/build_nproc.conf
# Managed by Puppet

#<domain>    <type> <item>          <value>
build         hard  nproc           512
build         soft  nproc           256

In this more comprehensive example we're restricting the number of processes the build user can use to a soft limit of 256 (which will generate a warning) and a hard limit (which cannot be exceeded) of 512. To see the possible limit_type values consult your systems limit.conf manpage.

An item worth noting is that this module does not manage the base /etc/security/limits.conf configuration file, only those in the limits.d directory.

See also