You want to use the facts hash in your manifests.
class facts_hash {
# display a simple value
$virt = $facts['virtual']
notify { "I'm using a value !${virt}! ": }
# fetch a subhash
$partitions = $facts['partitions']
notify { "Displaying a sub hash ${partitions}": }
# access a nested value
$major_release = $::facts['os']['release']['major']
notify { "My major release version is ${major_release}": }
It can be difficult to determine where a variable gets its value from in
your manifests. Is it a fact? Could it be a local variable? Using the
hash makes it easier to see where values come from.
The $facts
hash became available in puppet 3.5 and was enabled by
default from puppet 4.0 so there is no longer a reason not to use it, even in
manifests you publish to the internet.
It is worth noting that the $facts
hash is, by default, immutable and
any attempts to write to it will cause an error.
class invalid_assign {
$facts = 'Not allowed'
# Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server:
# Error 400 on SERVER:
# Evaluation Error:
# Error while evaluating a '=' expression,
# Attempt to assign to a reserved variable name:
'facts' at /etc/puppetlabs/...snip.../init.pp:4:10 on node testy